Major One-Day Distribution Of Children & Family Items For Sandy Victims Kicks Off At Noon

From our friends at the Shorefront Y:
A large scale relief distribution will take place in front of the Shorefront Y (3300 Coney Island Avenue).
This one time event is taking place thanks to Office Depot Foundation, Feed The Children, & Lorenzo Hodges of Jezreel International, in collaboration with the Shorefront Y. A sample of the items that will be available for distribution is below:
- Children’s Books & School Supplies
- Diapers & Baby Food
- Beverages & Adult Food
- Cleaning Supplies
- Sack Packs
With the objective of bringing much needed supplies to Brooklyn families who were affected by Hurricane Sandy, a 53 ft. tractor trailer will arrive on Thursday, filled with thousands of products. Vital supplies will be distributed to all families & children as they arrive in front of the Shorefront Y.
What: Hurricane Sandy Relief Distribution
When: Thursday, December 06, 2012 at 12 P.M.
Where: 3300 Coney Island Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11235