1 min read

Lowe’s Mill Basin Nearing Completion

The Lowe’s Home Improvement store behind Kings Plaza (and next to Home Depot) appears to be nearly done, at least from the outside. The parking lot still needs landscaping, and construction fencing still surrounds the property. But signs are – more or less – up, and we’ve heard there’s a “Help Wanted” sign somewhere (we didn’t see it ourselves).

Lowe’s representatives told Mill Basin Civic Association back in February that the store would be hiring around 250 sales associates and is slated to open in June or July (barring delays). According to an attendee of the civic meeting, the association was happy to welcome the new business, but showed concerns about traffic and parking. The store appears to have several hundred spots and is fitted with turning lanes in and out of the lot. Additionally, they’ve offered to let the community choose acceptable times to receive delivers from trucks, in response to questions about noise.

What do you think? Is Lowe’s a good fit for the neighborhood? And does it pose a threat to nearby Home Depot?