Latest On Southern Brooklyn’s COVID Cluster – Return To Lockdown

In an attempt to reign in the spread of COVID19, and in response to the city’s request to restrict gatherings, Governor Andrew Cuomo just announced the following:
We have a clear and effective plan to respond to any clusters that threaten our progress.
We will attack each area in the cluster with appropriate restrictions.
Here is the map of the Brooklyn cluster along with the rules.
— Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) October 6, 2020
So Southern Brooklyn is back on lockdown.

Here are the rules for each area:

Red areas: All mass gatherings in the red areas have been banned, only essential businesses open and restaurants can offer takeout only. Worship is restricted to 25% capacity for a maximum of 10 people at a time. Schools closed.
Orange areas: Gatherings of 10 people or less permitted, outdoor dining with max 4 people at a table, and 33% capacity for worship (25 people). No gyms, nail salons or other high risk nonessential businesses. Schools closed.
Yellow: Gatherings of 25 people or less permitted, worship at 50% capacity, all business open, indorr/outdoor dining restricted to 4 people per table. Schools open, mandatory weekly testing of staff and students in attendance, with guidelines to be developed by DOE by Friday.
Update from DOE- if your school was ordered closed on Tuesday it will remain so:
To all @NYCSchools families: the State has issued updated guidance on hotspot areas. We‘re receiving additional specifics about what this means for school buildings. If your building was already closed as a precautionary measure, it will remain so. We’ll provide more info soon.
— Chancellor Richard A. Carranza (@DOEChancellor) October 6, 2020
Teacher’s Union embraced the announcement of additional testing. “Testing is one of the keys to halting the spread of the virus, and the Governor’s plan for additional testing for schools will help us keep our students, educators and school communities safe,” said Michael Mulgrew, president of the United Federation of Teachers.
The City’s Department of Health released today’s numbers this afternoon, adding South Williamsburg (ZIP 11206) to the watchlist. There are approximately 85,496 people residing in that ZIP code (we looked in depth at why this matters earlier today).
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If you live, work, have kids, or worship in these areas – we’d love to hear from you. Email or leave your feelings/concerns in the comments.