Join Black Forest Brooklyn To Tap The First Rothaus Keg In The United States

Beer, history, beer history–don’t you want to be a part of it all? Then stop into Black Forest Brooklyn (733 Fulton Street between South Elliott Place and South Portland Avenue) this Friday, October 17, to help Ayana, Tobias, Rothaus Chairman Christian Rasch, and other friends tap the first ever keg of the beloved German beer on US soil.
From 6-8pm, Black Forest Brooklyn will be offering happy hour deals on Rothaus Tannenzäpfle–a pilsner named after the Black Forest’s fir cones, BFB says on their site, the shape of which “Zäpfle” bottles are reminiscent.
Rothaus is a Baden-Württemberg state-owned operation that’s focused largely on providing delicious local beers, though their popularity as a cult brand has grown far beyond their own region in Germany.
For a brewery that’s reportedly existed since 1791 and a beer that’s over 50, this US release is a momentous event–so it’s probably best you drop by and celebrate. Prost!