Jeffries Endorses Lustig-Elgrably for NYS Assembly

BAY RIDGE/CONEY ISLAND – U.S. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries is throwing his support behind Democratic candidate Ethan Lustig-Elgrably in the race to fill the vacant seat of the 46th Assembly district.
Lustig-Elgrably is the first Assembly candidate to earn the congressman’s nod in this election cycle, according to a Lustig-Elgrably spokesperson. Jeffries is also the highest-ranking elected official to endorse a candidate in the 46th Assembly district race which includes Bay Ridge, Dyker Heights, Coney Island, Bensonhurst, Gravesend and Sea Gate.

“I strongly support Ethan Lustig-Elgrably to represent Southern Brooklyn in the State Assembly,” said Jeffries who serves the 8th Congressional district which encompasses parts of Coney Island. “Throughout his public service career, Ethan has worked hard to deliver real results for our community time and again. He is a leader we can count on to fight for us in Albany,” he added.
The endorsement comes a week after Jeffries visited Coney Island where he met with Lustig-Elgrably. The two met once before earlier this summer.
Jeffries also met with the other Democratic primary candidate, Mathylde Frontus, who declined to comment on the congressman’s endorsement.
1199SEIU, New York Hotel Trades Council, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and several other Brooklyn lawmakers have also backed Lustig-Elgrably.
“I am honored to have Congressman Jeffries’ endorsement,” said Lustig-Elgrably who previously served as chief of staff to Councilman Mark Treyger. “He has been a strong voice for Southern Brooklyn in Congress, and he has been a fierce advocate for our schools, seniors, NYCHA residents, and working families.”
The 28-year-old has secured both the Democratic and Working Families Party line ahead of the Sept. 13 primary.
“It is critical that our federal and state leaders have a good partnership, and I am excited to work with Congressman Jeffries to deliver results when it comes to standing up to President Trump, protecting our NYCHA residents, and improving the transit resources for our communities,” said Ethan Lustig-Elgrably.
In the 2015 special election, Jeffries along with several other elected officials endorsed the former 46th Assemblywoman Pamela Harris, who recently pleaded guilty to four counts of fraud and corruption.
The winner of the Democratic primary will face Republican candidate Steve Saperstein and Green Party candidate Patrick Dwyer in a Nov. 6 general election.