Is This Your Clothing Donation Bin On Brighton Beach Avenue? Remove It, Pronto

If you put clothing into it, that clothing will not go to the homeless. It probably will just end up in a landfill.
About a month ago this bin appeared on Brighton Beach Avenue near Brighton 14 Street. It is adorned with a wide variety of stickers from charitable organizations, but nowhere does it state who is responsible for the bin and to whom the donated clothing will go. The contents of many of these bins are sold for profit at thrift stores rather than being donated to charitable causes.
The bin probably also was put there without the knowledge or consent of the property owner. It is my guess that he notified 311 or the Department of Sanitation (DOS) requesting its removal since it is in violation of City law. A DOS sticker on the side facing the street states so.
It also states that the bin will be removed by Sanitation by April 4 if the owner does not remove it before then. Most likely the bin will be sold for scrap and the contents discarded.
Update (1:49 p.m.): This photo was taken earlier this week. We were just notified that the box has been removed as a result of complaints to 311. Hooray, city services!