Hurricane Hazard At Local Fruit Market

A concerned reader sent in the above photograph of a fruit store at the northeast corner of Bay Parkway and 86th Street, along with the following e-mail:
To Whom It May Concern:
My husband, an amateur photographer, was out taking pre-hurricane photographs of Bay Parkway and 86th Street today. While looking at his results, I noticed this picture of business, on that intersection. My husband tells me that he was watching the hurricane preparation of the employees of the store as they gathered up the produce that was still good to sell and taking them inside and making bags of produce they were taking home. Once they were done, the employees left in a white van with their bags of produce.
What struck me about the picture was what they left behind to face the winds and possible flooding. The tables that held the produce were all left outside, none of which were secured. Many of the tables wheels on them, making them easy to move. I am concerned that during the hurricane, these tables will move about and cause damage to surrounding property.
The picture I am attaching is what the workers left behind (minus the bags of fruit, which they took with them).
Sheepshead Bites is reporting that just around a quarter of businesses along Sheepshead Bay’s waterfront commercial strip on Emmons Avenue have taken even the most minimal precautions against Hurricane Irene.
Please make sure anything around your home that could potentially become airborne is secured outdoors or stowed away indoors. Taking this step could easily protect you, your property and everyone else around you.