Here’s a Toy Drive for Hurricane Sandy Victims Promoted by Otters and Baboons

The Wildlife Conservation Society is running a Hurricane Sandy Toy Drive. For every new, unwrapped toy you bring to the Prospect Park (or Bronx or Queens or Central Park) Zoo, you’ll receive one free general admission ticket to the Bronx Zoo. The donations will benefit families hit by Hurricane Sandy.
To promote the toy drive, the marketing geniuses at the Prospect Park Zoo are holding “Presents to Animals” events in which they give their animals tasty presents to unwrap. Otters and baboons will be among the furry gift-getters.
The Presents to Animals schedule at Prospect Park Zoo is:
• Saturdays and Sundays in December, 11 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
• December 8/9: baboons at both times
• December 15/16: golden lion tamarins and Pallas’s cats
• December 22/23: meerkats and mongoose
• December 29/30: Geoffrey’s tamarins and North American river otters
Here’s a taste of what you’ll see:

This is genius promotion for a really worthwhile toy drive. If you can, get to the park this month and donate some toys!
Photos: Prospect Park Zoo