Help Us Keep Track of Crime Stats

You may sometimes forget you live in New York City when you’re walking down our leafy streets. But then you come across a car held up by bricks, its rims stolen, like this one a neighbor saw over the weekend on East 18th Street near Ditmas. Or maybe you noticed several police cars on Argyle near Cortelyou last night around 9pm, as another neighbor did, and you heard a rumor of shots fired (the 70th Precinct tells us that they did an extensive search of the area but found no evidence of gunshots, or fireworks, or anything else).
The 70th Precinct regularly posts its CompStat numbers on its NYPD page, and you can download the most recent PDF for the week of 3/26 to 4/1 here. But numbers don’t give a clear picture of what’s actually happening in the area. We’d like to present it in a way that can help you better understand what’s going on, so you can be more aware, and hopefully, help make our neighborhood be a safer place to live.
All this year, we’ll take your accounts–dating back to January 1, 2012–and post them to a map. Was your car broken into? Was your phone stolen on the subway? Email us at with the date, the location, and your account of what happened.
And please, this is for informational purposes only–if you are the victim of a crime, call 911 immediately. We’ve got a dedicated bunch of officers in the 70th Precinct, and they’re here to help:
70th Precinct Main Number: 718-851-5511
70th Precinct Community Affairs: 718-851-5557