Help The Cats Of E 19th Street Weather The Loss Of Neighbor & Caregiver Charles Coates

The passing of Charles Coates over the summer has left several local cats in need. Neighbor Adelia writes:
A regular evening sight on E 19th Street used to be Charles Coates walking his dog, followed in single file by a parade of community cats. Up and down the street they’d process, before enjoying a big meal on his porch.
Sadly, Mr. Coates passed away in July, a few months shy of his 100th birthday. His ten beloved cats will need a new outdoor home. Winter is coming, and they may soon be in the cold with no place to go.
The cats lived in small shelters on Mr. Coates’ porch and were fed every day without fail. They learned to depend on him for survival. These are outdoor cats and they are extremely bonded to one another. They are spayed and neutered and vaccinated against rabies and distemper.
Do you, or does someone you know, have a yard or property where some or all of these 10 cats could live outdoors, be fed and cared for by people, and have their winter shelters?
Adelia says the cats are quiet and don’t fight or spray, and can help curb local mice problems.
If you’d like to house the cats in your outdoor space inside Coates’ three 41.5″ x 20″ x 16.5″ shelters, volunteer to feed at least one day per week (15 minutes per day), or donate wet or dry food (“Costco Kirkland Maintenance dry cat food is healthy and inexpensive,” says Adelia), email You can also make a tax-deductible donation to the Brooklyn Bridge Animal Welfare Coalition with an email noting your donation is to the E 19th Street cats.