Have You Heard This Faulty Burglar Alarm?

A neighbor who lives near Ocean and Foster Avenues has been waking up to an alarm recently, and not the one she sets to get to work on time. She says:
We face those beautiful Victorian houses which make the charm of our neighborhood–except that one of them has a faulty alarm system, which goes on all guns a-blazing in the middle of the night.
Just this past week, it went on on the night of Friday August 2nd at 5:30am, on Monday evening at 10pm, and then the next morning at 5:50am. Before that, it also happened the weekend before, and again before that, and before that, and also last year. Usually only in the summer, but it’s becoming very annoying.
I am quite convinced that a lot of people in my hood are concerned with this problem. It’s probably one of the houses on E 18th or E 19th Streets, between Foster Avenue and Glenwood Road.
She says she’s made complaints to 311, but she’s not exactly sure which house the alarm is coming from–and that if she knew for certain, she’d ask the owner to get the alarm fixed.
Any general advice for our neighbor, or has anyone else experienced these disturbances? If you know more about the alarm or how to get in contact with its owner, email editor@ditmasparkcorner.com and we’ll put you two in touch.
Photo via ell r brown