'Growing Up Desiree' Filming On Marlborough Next Week?

Signs are up along Marlborough Road between Albemarle and Beverley for a film shoot called Growing Up Desiree that will be on location. According to a casting notice, it’s a romantic comedy written, starring, and co-directed by Simon Helberg (The Big Bang Theory) about “screwing up on a transcontinental level in a noble effort to win back ‘the one.'”
Cars will need to be moved, but the dates on the signs say this happened last week–though we’re pretty positive they were not posted before yesterday. We’ve reached out to location manager Rafael Rivera, and will update once he confirms that this will be filming next week, and that they’ll be replacing the signs with the correct information.
If you find your car has been moved, or you have any other questions, contact Rafael at 347-824-3479.