Flying High Over Greenpoint in a New Music Video

GREENPOINT – Can you see your house from here? A new music video from artist Tim Poovey, recording as Pink Slater, uses drone footage from over Greenpoint as the backdrop for his latest track, “Dreamcatcher,” from the album “Homegirl.”
Music video director Johnny Cirillo used the musician’s home neighborhood to create the spare accompaniment to the chill track.
“It’s a song about two romances, one with a girl and one with a City. Greenpoint has such heart and warmth that we thought it came through when combining the song with the visuals,” Cirillo told Greenpointers.
Though it’s a bit difficult to sift through the misinformation regarding drone laws in New York City, we aren’t asking too many questions about the filming process…
Starting out descending through the trees in what appears to be McGolrick Park, the video takes a tour of some of Greenpoint’s highlights:
- St. Anthony’s Chuch, looking back across Java, India and Kent to the southeast
- Transmitter Park, the East River Ferry dock and the whole west waterfront
- Fourth of July fireworks over the city at night
- Sunset over the Manhattan skyline from India Street
- A ferry leaving the dock and heading towards the city
- An overhead view of pedestrians walking the ferry dock
- The McCarren Park ballfields lit up at night, looking west towards Williamsburg and Manhattan
- An ascending zoom out on Transmitter Park
- Bushwick Inlet and the industrial tanks at sunset
- The Manhattan skyline at night
Judging from the relatively low height of The Greenpoint development at 21 India Street, scenes from the music video were shot some time ago—the building is nearly finished now. The video hit YouTube just a few days ago, however.
Greenpoint is well-known as a destination for filming. Aside from the Broadway Stages and CineMagic Studios on either side of the neighborhood, plenty of street filming takes place in the North Brooklyn nabe.
Recently, “The Marvelous Ms. Maisel” and “Crashing” have been seen on the streets, while in the last few years, “The Punisher,” and—famously—”Girls” have used Greenpoint’s streets as a backdrop.