Glenwood Houses Without Heat In The Middle Of Massive Snow Storm

The 2,424 residents of Glenwood Houses were without heat all day today as the snowstorm that made Mayor de Blasio issue a State of Emergency blanketed the city. The outage follows a weekend where four Glenwood Houses buildings, which house 497 residents, were without heat or hot water overnight, when temperatures dropped as low as 20 degrees.
The weekend outages occurred as a result of ‘flooding’ in four buildings. Outages lasted from 6 pm on Saturday to 1:40 pm on Sunday, said Rochel Leah Goldblatt Deputy Press Secretary of NYCHA. A second outage occurred between 3 pm and 11:15 pm on Sunday due to a mobile boiler unit that was “unable to sustain pressure,” said Goldblatt. The mobile boiler unit remained on-site throughout the night before failing.
Today, the entire Glenwood Houses development was without heat from 8 am to nearly 6 pm. NYCHA did not provide a warming center for Glenwood residents, or space heaters, a NYCHA source told us.
NYCHA did tweet today at 10:32 am that “staff are addressing service interruptions,” two and a half hours after the heating outage. NYCHA sent a follow-up tweet at 3:55 pm and said that “maintenance repairs are needed,” but did not say that the entire development was without heat.
NYCHA put out a tweet telling its followers to “protect their pets” on Saturday in preparation for the upcoming snowstorm and said to be prepared for the cold weather.