Getting Ready To BBQ? McCarren Park Is!

WILLIAMSBURG/GREENPOINT – NYC Parks has created three new barbecue areas in McCarren Park, just in time for the warmer weather we are supposed to finally have this week.
Nine double-headed grills, 18 new picnic tables, and three large, red charcoal bins are now scattered around the park. One area is near Vincent Abate Playground by Manhattan Ave, the other two are in the grassy areas off Driggs across each other – one by the softball fields and the other by the soccer field.

“McCarren Park is a heavily used resource for many North Brooklynites, and we’re excited to bring even more amenities to the park,” said NYC Parks Brooklyn Commissioner Martin Maher. “We’re looking forward to another busy summer season, and we remind all visitors to Brooklyn parks to pitch in and help keep them clean and litter-free.”

Parks is also launching a larger program to manage litter across the park, and to encourage park’s patrons to clean up and recycle. More than 50 three-receptacle waste disposal units have been placed strategically throughout McCarren Park, and NYC Parks hope that will improve the park’s condition.
This year the department will also using be using small electronic vehicles to collect trash, and rechargeable electric equipment to blow leaves and whack weeds. Fort Greene Park will also see a similar plan.
And a reminder for those gathering lots of friends — events with more than 20 people need a special permit and they can take 3-4 weeks to process, according to the website. For more information on how to apply for a permit and where to barbecue in New York City’s parks, visit