Get A Free Tree At The Gowanus Canal Conservancy’s Salt Lot On March 22

Planning your spring gardening? If you’ve got a place for a tree, the Gowanus Canal Conservancy is hosting a free MillionTreesNYC tree giveaway at the Salt Lot (2 2nd Avenue) on Saturday, March 22 from 11am-1pm.
You can reserve a tree online now, where you can choose between four trees — Japanese Snowbell, Japanese Tree Lilac, Serviceberry, or Cornelian Cherry Dogwood — that might do better depending on where you’re planting yours.
If you reserve one, note that you have to pick it up by noon, or it may be given away to someone else. If registration is closed, a limited quantity of trees will be available on a first come, first served basis.
Photo via Gowanus Canal Conservancy