For Am Thai, More and More Orders Are Coming From Park Slope

Nathan Thompson sent us this story earlier today:
Last week my brother in law calls me from Park Slope where he lives. He explains that he does not want to lose his parking space and asks that I do him a favor. He wanted me to pick up his order from AM Thai and bring it to him in Park Slope where his family lives. He explained that AM Thai on Church Ave was better than anything comparable they have in the Slope.
I asked the manager of AM Thai (Amy) if she had ever dealt with this before. She explained that she gets calls from the Slope regularly. “I have decided it they order more than $50 of food, we just sent it over in a car service.”
I thought AM Thai making Zagat was news, but Slopers ordering from Church Ave, well, I just had to share.
Anyone hear other Park Slopers talking about Am Thai?
There’s no time like the end of the year to get out of the kitchen and order in or eat out. Am Thai veterans — what are your favorite dishes?
Photo: Nathan Thompson