Answering the Call
Several years ago, as a college undergraduate, I sat in my journalism ethics class and watched as other young, idealistic students discussed the implications of a blog posting something-or-other. Heated arguments shot back and forth — back then blogging was a new term, its relationship to journalism tenuous, and its ethics questionable. After a few minutes of impassioned debate, the professor, a tough-as-nails 4-foot-high sack of wrinkles, called on me. “What do you think, Ned?”
I rubbed the groggy, glazed look out of my eyes and attempted a composed, studious demeanor — but only achieved what can best be described as a diligent apathy — and I began, “Well, if I were ever so lowly as to blog…”
And now, here we are.
Welcome to Sheepshead Bites.
Read about our mission and motivation after the jump.
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