Filthy 18th Ave KFC Joins Fate Of Dreary 18th Ave McDonald’s

The notoriously grimy Kentucky Fried Chicken on 18th Avenue appears to be joining the fate of its former neighbor, a particularly depressing McDonald’s location that closed last year.
The fried chicken restaurant at 6510 18th Avenue shuttered last week, and construction workers were seen removing the giant Colonel Sanders sign and awning on Monday.
While the neighborhood’s only KFC has been a reliable staple for late night munchies, numerous Yelp reviewers complained that the store was always dirty, with tables coated in an oily film, and awful music blaring on the loudspeakers. More than one Yelper called the place was bleak “even for a KFC. Other complaints included undercooked birds, watery gravy, and burnt biscuits.

No word yet on what will replace the KFC, but it seems that any store would be a upgrade.