Have You Ever Thought About Running For Elected Office?

Are you civic minded? Have you ever thought about running for public office? Thoughtful and dedicated people are needed at all levels of government — here’s your chance to learn how to get involved.
New York City Councilmembers Laurie Cumbo, Inez Barron and Darlene Mealy, all from Brooklyn, will host a forum for those that want to learn how to run for public office or work in government.
The forum is this Thursday, from 4pm to 7pm, at Medgar Evers College in Crown Heights. Location: 1638 Bedford Avenue, three blocks north of Empire Boulevard. The event will include panel discussions, along with a DJ, dancing, and refreshments.
New York State Lieutenant Governor Kathy C. Hochul will give the keynote address. The forum will feature “some of the most dynamic and powerful women in the entire state,” says King County Politics.