DOT To Install Traffic Signal At Caton Avenue And East 8th Street

The intersection of Caton Avenue and East 8th Street will be getting a traffic signal, according to a letter from the Department of Transportation to Community Board 7.
This stretch of Caton Avenue runs between Coney Island Avenue and Ocean Parkway. The street has a bend that reduces visibility and the new middle school, MS 839 is nearby.
Community Board 7 reached out to the DOT to assess whether a traffic light would be feasible at the intersection. Last summer, CB7 approved major traffic changes to the area to increase pedestrian safety.
CB7 received a letter this month from the DOT saying that the study had been completed and that they plan to install a traffic light at the intersection. “Installation will be performed by contract and the work is tentatively scheduled to be completed by April 30, 2016,” says the DOT’s letter.
We are glad to see more traffic lights being installed in the area. What do you think?