Demolition To Begin On Rockaway Pkwy Overpass

On Monday, September 20, 2010 the demolition of the Belt Parkway Bridge over Rockaway Parkway will commence. This operation will occur in seven stages. As sections of the original structure are removed, the new replacement structure will be built alongside the existing structure eliminating the need for traffic to be detoured off the parkway. Demolition will occur primarily during the daytime, however additional limited night work will be required. Night work will be performed in accordance with the requirements of the 2007 NYC DEP Noise Code.
The entrance and exit ramps from Rockaway Parkway to the Belt Parkway will remain open at all times. In addition one lane on Rockaway Parkway under the Belt Parkway in both the northbound and southbound direction will be maintained. Vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle access to Canarsie Pier will be not be effected. Traffic on the Parkway will NOT be detoured off the parkway. Work is schedule to be completed in the summer of 2013.
Photo and text courtesy of Department of Transportation.