Dec. 16, 2009: BayFest Planning Meeting

The Bay Improvement Group’s (BIG) President, Steve Barrison, said that the BayFest 2010 Planning Meeting on December 2 was “great”, and invited anyone else who is interested in helping out with the planning for Sheepshead Bay’s Waterfront “Party” to join in the next meeting.
Here are the details for the next volunteer and planning meeting happening the Wednesday, with a message from the group:
BayFest2010 planning meeting for all interested VOLUNTEERS for our 19th BayFest!
Wednesday, December 16 at 8 p.m. at The Golden Gate Inn
located at the intersection of Knapp Street & Shore Parkway in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn.
Free Parking is available.
For further directions you can call the Golden Gate Inn at (718) 743-4000.
Help us plan, and set up for reaching out to sponsors as we plan now BayFest2010! Marketing, PR, getting local businesses and residents near and far involved in our 19th year of BayFest, the annual NYC waterfront ALL Free party for Sheepshead Bay!
This is the time we must do it together.
Check the BayFest website: for contact information.