Councilman-Elect Chaim Deutsch Chooses Avenue U For District Office

Councilman-elect Chaim Deutsch has secured a location for his new district office, which will open January 2 and take over the functions of departing Councilman Michael Nelson’s office.
The new location will be the first floor of 2401 Avenue U, at East 24th Street, currently the location of the two-floor Heino Realty, and also where Deutsch made his campaign headquarters. Campaign finance records filed with the city show he paid $1,650 a month during the campaign.
The newly redrawn 48th District now encompasses almost all of Sheepshead Bay, although the Sheepshead Bay – Nostrand Houses have been cut out of the district. The eastern boundary of the new district curves in near Avenue U to East 26th Street, putting Deutsch’s new office on the fringe of his district and just two blocks from the border with the 46th District, serving Marine Park, Mill Basin and Canarsie.
Deutsch told Sheepshead Bites he is hoping to have satellite district offices, meaning tables and staffers, at various locations throughout the area, although he is still firming up the details.
Nelson’s district office phone number will forward to the new location, ensuring continuity in service for constituents.