CONTEST: Tell Us How You Met Your Valentine, Win A Gift Certificate To Tete-A-Tete!
I get to meet a lot of great people while running Sheepshead Bites, and I’ve been blessed to hear thousands of stories from residents over the site’s five years. There are the ones about playing stick-ball in the streets, or walking barefoot from Plumb Beach homes down to the water and diving in. There are the ones about school friends who went on to be powerful people and the ones about causing trouble in the weed-filled fields around the neighborhood before the development of Sheepshead Bay’s co-ops. Great restaurants, crazy characters, and on and on.
My favorites, though, are always from the long-married couples I meet at various events, who share with me their stories of meeting, dating, falling in love. Many, I think, are great for posts, but I rarely have the opportunity to get them down on paper and out into the world.
So help us gather the neighborhood’s great love stories, and tell us yours in the comments below. Use a real e-mail address because the best story will win a $20 gift certificate to Tete-a-Tete Cafe (2601 East 14th Street, at Avenue Z).
How will we decide the best? Below every comment there are up and down arrows. The story with the most “up” votes by Monday will win the gift certificate, so make sure to tell your friends to vote for you!
Oh, and let’s keep the stories clean, please!