Coffee Mob Opening on Newkirk Avenue in February 2013

A new espresso bar dubbed Coffee Mob is under construction at 1514 Newkirk Avenue at the corner of East 16th Street, a few seconds from Newkirk Plaza, in a space that has held businesses including an accountant’s office, a hair salon, and a candy store/newspaper stand with a soda fountain. The new shop will open around February.
Owned by West Midwood neighbor Buck Berk, who previously worked in restaurants and was a bartender in the East Village for several years before beginning this project about eight months ago. He searched the city before deciding on this Newkirk corner and signing the lease just a few weeks ago.
“This industry work gave me a great understanding of what is required for good service, and allowed me to develop my communications skills and build great ‘over the counter’ relationships with customers,” he told us. “I look forward to nourishing these skills right here in our neighborhood and developing an even more personal relationship with our neighbors.”
Coffee Mob will use beans from Toby’s Estate, a coffee shop that roasts beans and provides training in Williamsburg.
“Toby’s will be helping me increase my coffee knowledge,” said Buck, “and will also be training me to be a class act barista!”
Coffee Mob’s website is still in the works as well at this point, except for two declarations of intent: Buck “is determined to bring the masses together to explore the wonderful and complex flavors of Arabica coffee” and “to create an espresso bar where incredible coffee can be enjoyed.” Two laudable goals for the coffee consumers among us.
This new coffee shop makes two coming to Newkirk Avenue soon – Milk and Honey Cafe, from the owners of Qathra on Cortelyou Road, is hoping to open in the next couple of months on the corner of Westminster Road.