Civic Virtue Is Here

Welcome to Brooklyn, Civic Virtue! The well-traveled and not always well-liked statue arrived at its new standing point in Green-Wood Cemetery on Monday, December 17, and Green-Wood historian Jeff Richman has photos of the installation.
The Daily News says it took a crew 12 hours to remove the sculpture from its base at Queens Borough Hall, adding that the removal of the statue was not what everyone in Queens wanted – Kew Gardens’ Jon Torodash and City Councilman Peter Vallone Jr. have both been vocal opponents of the move.
We are sorry for Queens’ loss, but welcome it to our own backyard, happy to have it here. Jeff Richman notes that “conservation of the sculpture and completion of the development of the site, including landscaping,” will begin when the weather warms up in spring. Looking forward to seeing it!
Photo via Green-Wood