Cheapo Partyers Turn UTZ to SLUTZ & BUTTS

Uh, oh. Somebody’s about to get fried.
The sticker above was seen pasted on the side of a literature bin near the B49 bus stop at the corner of East 17 St & Sheepshead Bay Road.

It’s an advertisement for SLUTZ — literally! A visit to their website (no gratuitous links included, here) was a dead-end — but, their Myspace page indicated that this group of logo-copiers run nightclub events. They specialize in “tight-ass beats” marketed with a picture of a woman’s butt.
The logo they chose to “slut up” belongs to none other than the UTZ Quality Foods, Inc. snacks and potato chip company. The doctored logo does have a slight difference in the little girl’s hairline, but it is unmistakably the UTZ logo, otherwise.
First, we’re wondering why these event organizers feel the need to put their stickers on surfaces that don’t belong to them. Next, we’re interested in knowing if the UTZ snack company will get all “tight-ass” on them, maybe slice these SLUTZ up like potatoes and fry them in hot oil for ripping off their logo.
It’s a little bit of a harsh punishment, but maybe that would finally get the message out to these tightwad advertisers.