Can You Give Grace The Cat A Good Home?

Neighbor John Wozniak let us know he’s looking for a good home for their little love bug of a cat that they took in on a cold winter day, but recently discovered she has asymptomatic Feline Leukemia — which means she can’t live with other FeLV negative cats and must live in a single cat household.
Because John has other cats, he needs to find a home for her as soon as possible.
Grace, who John found on Marlborough between Cortelyou and Beverley, is a “superb lap cat, great company and is mature, so she is really low-maintenance compared to a younger cat,” John wrote.

John continued:
Her coat is super soft; she’ll sit in your lap and gaze right into your eyes. She purrs like a motor at idle. Grace is at least 8 (says her microchip from Animal Control, but it told us little else) and seems like she’s got some very solid years ahead of her if she is off the street — she doesn’t belong on the street. She is darling. Grace may get sick but she may very well continue to have virtually no symptoms and live out her life with complete vitality as many FeLV positive cats do — if given the opportunity.
If you’re interested in fostering Grace, John said he can provide veterinary assistance if needed and will provide a starter kit comprised of a nice litter box, litter and a supply of her favorite food.
To contact John, you can email