BSAG Brings Art Exhibit To Coney Island Hospital

I think Sheepshead Bites’ Robert Fernandez said it most eloquently, in response to some Brooklynites’ claims that our end of the borough is tantamount to a cultural wasteland:
“Frankly, they’re wrong.”
Not only will the Brooklyn Streetcar Artists’ Group (BSAG) be holding a fine art exhibition at Coney Island Hospital through June 17, entitled “Jazz Through the Eyes of the Artists,” the May 4 opening reception will also be featuring the vocal styling of Eureka.
Art and music. In Southern Brooklyn. Yessiree.
Hipsters — put that in your kreteks and smoke it.
The opening reception for “Jazz Through the Eyes of the Artists” runs from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. on the second floor of the hospital’s main building (2601 Ocean Parkway at Avenue Z).
For more, contact BSAG at