Bring A Smile To The Faces Of Moms This Christmas

Looking for a way to touch the lives of Brooklyn families this holiday? Consider donating a Target gift card to new moms at CHiPS.
“I met 4 of the 5 moms who reside with their babies at CHiPS on Tuesday at a holiday party,” wrote Park Slope Parents founder Susan Fox.
“We gave them gifts for their babies (ranging in age from 2 weeks to 5 months or so),” she continued, “but the moms left empty handed.”
That’s when Ms. Fox had an idea. After speaking with Denise Scaravella, executive director at CHiPS, she decided to arrange a gift card collection for the moms at the shelter.
Interested in donating? Helping out is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
- Visit the Target Gift Card link here.
- Choose the amount for your gift card, select email for delivery, and type in Ms. Scaravella’s email address:
- Select your payment method, purchase, and you’re done!
The gift cards will be emailed to CHiPS, and then evenly distributed to the moms.
For more information, or to request a donation letter, email
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