PS 139 Ending SOAR, Mini-Schools Next School Year

We have heard from many of you who attended the open house last Friday at PS 139 (330 Rugby Road) who learned that starting this coming fall, the school is eliminating mini-schools and its accelerated SOAR program for the incoming kindergarten class.
They’re ending the programs, according to a letter from Principal Mary McDonald, out of a concern for diversity.
Here are the letters parents received from the school informing of the change (click on the images to see them larger):

An Inside Schools review of PS 139 gives more insight as to why this is a big change for the school:
The building houses two popular mini-schools, the Flatbush Academy (focused on science) and the Brotherhood Institute (focused on social studies.) The mini-schools occupy separate floors of the building. Each mini school has only one class on a grade level, so kids know who their teachers will be, and everyone has a chance to get acquainted over time. Children stay in their respective mini-schools during class time but mingle with other children at lunch and during afternoon enrichment classes.
Academically successful students may be assigned to the SOAR program (Students of Academic Rigor), with accelerated classes.
Admissions: Neighborhood school. The SOAR program and the mini-schools are in the most demand. Mini-school students are chosen by lottery. Children must take a test to be admitted to SOAR.
The second, follow-up letter shown above explains why the school has chosen to make these changes, saying that they want “all children at PS 139 to have equal access to high quality, challenging curriculum and to have ample opportunities to master complex material and build academic and personal self-confidence,” and clarifying that the programs will continue for those students already in the school, and would only be eliminated for incoming kindergarteners.
We’ve reached out to the school and will update with what we learn. In the meantime, if you are considering sending your child to PS 139 next year, we would encourage you to send your questions directly to Mary McDonald, principal of PS139. She can be reached through the school office at 718-282-5254 and by email at
And a reminder that there’s still time to tour other local schools — see a list of open houses and ways to arrange tours here.
Letters via waywayrdcourier