Breaking: Armed Robbery At Maple Lanes

This just in- The Boro Park Scoop has reported on an armed robbery at Maple Lanes at around 4:30 pm today.
According to the report, the bowling alley itself was not robbed. The NYPD is currently looking for two black males who apparently robbed a patron at gunpoint inside.
Anyone who was there or lives in the area, please contact us with any additional relevant information. If you know anything that is of immediate importance, please either call 911 or Crimestoppers at 1 800 577 TIPS (577 8477). Armed Robbery At Maple Lanes On 60th Street and 16th Ave
Update: The Boro Park Scoop is now reporting from unconfirmed sources that the robbery occurred in the basement of the building, where $80,000(!) was allegedly taken.