Bloody Brawl On Flatbush Avenue Thursday Night

PARK SLOPE – A reader wrote in to say that he witnessed a scary incident on Flatbush Avenue between Bergen Street and 6th Avenue on his way home Thursday night.
As he exited the Bergen Street subway station at approximately 11:45pm on September 21, he says that he saw “a very large crowd in front of Woodland [242 Flatbush] and Bleachers [240 Flatbush].” As he got closer he says, “I saw several people slugging each other very seriously,” so he immediately called 911.
As several patrol cars and an ambulance arrived, he walked toward 6th Avenue, passing “the remnants of a large broken bottle and an overturned trash can,” and saw one of the brawlers on the ground with “a bloodied shirt… kicking at other fighters and their friends,” the witness says.
EMS was eventually able to get the man in the bloodied shirt onto a gurney while the shouting and commotion continued among the others in the crowd.
The witness was able to walk away from the scene and get home safely and does not know if any further incidents occurred or how long police remained at the location.
“I think residents should be able to assume that they can get home on a Thursday night without such problems and being worried about random violence,” the witness says. He notes that he and many of his neighbors are “fed up” with the large, and often drunk and rowdy, crowds that frequently block the sidewalk outside both Bleachers and Woodland.
An NYPD representative confirmed on Friday that there was an altercation at 240 Flatbush Avenue on Thursday night, adding that a 34-year-old male was taken to Methodist Hospital with a minor laceration above his left eye. The identity of the other person in the fight is unknown the representative said. No weapons were involved, according to the police.
Investigators believe the altercation began inside 240 Flatbush Avenue (Bleachers) and moved outside to the sidewalk, the rep added.
BKLYNER reached out to Bleachers Friday afternoon. While the manager was not available, the employee who answered the phone said that Bleachers “did not have anything to do with [the fight]” and insisted that the “actual fight was on the corner” outside.
Did you witness this incident Thursday night? If so, let us know what you saw.