Aviator Sports Is There When The Great Outdoors Becomes Not So Great

SPONSORED – It’s pretty well known that kids don’t mind the cold as much their parents do. Visit any city playground on a weekday after school dismissal and you’ll probably see a bunch of kindergarteners being chased by adults clutching very small coats. Yes, it might be sunny, but it’s also in the low 30s – colder with the wind chill.

At a certain point, coat or no coat, it gets too cold to keep those kids outside. And that point might not coincide with when those kids are ready to stop moving or when parents are ready to give up and let them watch TV for hours on end. When that happens, Aviator Sports has plenty going on to keep both them (and their parents) active and sane.
If you just want to drop in, they have lots of public activities to check out. One great way to get out of the cold is to get on the ice. Aviator has year-round ice skating for $18 per session for adults and $16 for kids, but regulars can grab some great deals. At $99 plus tax, The Aviator Skate Pass gets you not only unlimited admission to all skating sessions but skate rentals as well, and their Family Four Pack is four passes for the price of three.
For the kid who is literally climbing the walls, give Rock Climbing a try. It’s open to anyone 5 years and older. They’ve also got open basketball for kids and adults ages 12 years and older and open volleyball for adults only.
For a more committed schedule, leagues and classes will start up in January. There are tons of sports your kids can choose, from traditional ones like gymnastics, ice hockey, or flag football to newer ones like Parkour or Ninja Warrior.
After dropping kids off or while they’re at school, parents can run over to their own class or league in Soccer, Basketball, Gymnastics, or Adult Ninja Warrior/Parkour. You might even want to give Pickleball a try.

“What’s pickleball?” you ask? Named after its creator’s dog, it’s a paddle sport that Aviator explains like this:
Combining court dimensions similar to badminton, paddles similar to table tennis, and a light ball similar to wiffleball, Pickleball is a unique experience. Unlike tennis, the ball is served underhand to begin the volley, and a point is scored when a team allows two bounces without a return. Casual games are customarily played to 11, while tournament play ends at a score of 15 or 21.
At $10 a session, it’s also a super affordable way to get some indoor exercise this winter.
Speaking of affordability, their Field House sports like Soccer, Basketball, and Flag Football all have early bird discounts that are available on their website now.
Plus, for parents scrambling to find ways to fill the long winter school break coming up, there’s still availability in Aviator’s holiday break camp. Even if you’re all set with winter break plans, keep an eye on that page for 2019 camp dates.
Clearly, while running after your kids trying to get them to put a coat on might be great exercise for both of you, there are better, less frustrating ways to stay active when the temperature drops.
So come on out of the cold and into Aviator Sports.
This post was sponsored by Aviator Sports and Entertainment Center. If you would like to reach our readers, please contact us.