Attend Monday Night’s Public Info Session About Two Rezoning Proposals

The city is proposing a series of rezoning efforts across the city, including two which affect our community. One would focus on ‘mandatory inclusionary housing” while the other focuses on “zoning for quality and affordability.”
To find out what exactly these two proposals entail, come out to Pratt Institute’s Higgins Hall this coming Monday, September 28 at 6pm, where the Department of City Planning (DCP) will be on hand to explain their proposals (estimated to be a 30 minute presentation) — and then answer our questions and comments.
Both business improvement districts in our area — the FAB Alliance and Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Partnership — are among the sponsors of this event, which they hope will give residents a chance to give input.
“We want to provide community residents with the opportunity to ask questions and provide comments on these zoning proposals, especially as they relate to raising height limits and the potential impact on our neighborhoods,” said MARP Director of Communications Rebeca Ramirez. “DCP has offered to make local presentations prior to the proposals entering ULURP. Zoning is a complicated tool, and we wanted to facilitate an opportunity for residents to learn about the components of these proposals prior to beginning of the formal review process.”
According to Capital New York, one of the zoning changes proposed in the Zoning for Quality and Affordability plan is “to eliminate parking space requirements in neighborhoods the city believes has sufficient mass transit options. That proposal is similar to concerns raised by senior citizen advocates, who argue elderly New Yorkers need more housing options and do not drive enough to take advantage of parking lots.”
So gather your thoughts and see you at the meeting!