88th Precinct Crime Statistics: Ups And Downs In The First Week Of June

While May ended with crime falling across the board in almost all categories, the first week of June saw more modest reductions and balances.
In the major crime categories, slight upticks occurred in the number of reported robberies (from 1 to 7), felony assaults (2 to 3), and burglaries (from 0 ot 3). However, rates dropped for grand larcenies (from 4 to 3) and auto thefts (2 to 1).
In the other crime categories, while transit and housing crimes both rose from 0 to 1 compared to the previous week, reports dropped by one each in petit larceny (17 to 16), misdemeanor assaults (7 to 6), and misdemeanor sex crimes (1 to 0).
The next 88th Precinct Community Council meeting is TODAY, June 16 at 7pm at the Masonic Temple at 317 Clermont Avenue.
CompStat reports are produced by the New York Police Department on a weekly basis. We publish the week’s statistics for the 88th Precinct reports every week. The 88th Precinct is the police command that oversees Fort Greene and Clinton Hill.