88th Precinct Crime Statistics: Slight Rise In Crime Across Most Categories For Last Week Of July

Compared to the last full week of July (July 20-26), crime rose in most categories as July transitioned into August (July 27 to August 2).
Reported crime fell in the following categories:
- felony assault (from 5 to 2)
- burglary (from 6 to 1)
- grand larceny (from 9 to 6)
- misdemeanor sex crimes (from 2 to 0)
Meanwhile, crime rose in these categories:
- murder (from 0 to 1)
- rape (from 0 to 1)
- robbery (from 0 to 2)
- grand larceny auto (from 1 to 5)
- transit (from 0 to 1)
- housing (from 0 to 2)
- petit larceny (from 7 to 15)
- misdemeanor assault (from 8 to 10)
- shooting victims (from 1 to 2)
And these stayed the same:
- shootings (one incident)
Let us — and the local police — know if you hear of or witness a crime in Fort Greene and Clinton Hill.
The next 88th Precinct Community Council meeting will be in SEPTEMBER.
CompStat reports are produced by the New York Police Department on a weekly basis. We publish the week’s statistics for the 88th Precinct reports every week. The 88th Precinct is the police command that oversees Fort Greene and Clinton Hill.