8 Fun Camps for June School Holidays

June is littered with random school holidays. For those of us who still have to work while our kids are off, here are 8 fun, educational camps they can try out.

Construction Kids
Where: Brooklyn Navy Yard, BLDG 92 2nd Floor, 718-522-2902, info@constructionkids.com
June 8: Young builders will design and build their version of Connect 4. No two games will look the same. Construction Kids Connect 4 is a creative and fun project that goes home and fits nicely with other toys in your child’s room.
June 12: In remembrance of the simple, but fun, hand puppets Construction Kids staff used to create when they were young, Construction Kids created the shadow puppets project: toys and creatures created using the unique imaginations of your children. How far can they take this project? Sign up to find out.
Note: Construction Kids summer camp begins in full force on June 19.
How much: $150/day, $25 for extended day

Aviator Sports and Event Center
Where: 3159 Flatbush Ave., 718-758-7518, camps@aviatorsports.com
June 8 and 26: Aviator Sports holiday break camps run anytime NYC public schools are closed. Campers participate in a variety of activities in the 175,000 sq. ft. facility including ice skating, rock climbing, group games on the turf, arts & crafts and more. Every camper will get lunch and a snack.
Note: Walk-ins are welcome up until 11:00am. Early bird and extended hours available.
How much: Call for day prices.

Brooklyn Game Lab
Where: Game Lab Classic 353 7th Ave., Game Lab South 479 7th Ave., 718-788-1122, Frontdesk@brooklyngamelab.com
June 8 and 12: Chess! This is the theme of the mini camps. Campers start with the Game Lab’s unique version and then move on to create their own games.
Note: Brooklyn Game Lab’s regular program begins on June 19.
How much: $150, early bird and extended day options available.

Park Slope Day Camp
Where: 339 Eighth St, 37 Hicks St, 320 Manhattan Ave
June 8: Pre-K and 1st graders will go to Funstation USA while 2nd graders and older go to
Active Kidz.
June 12: Pre-K and 1st graders will go to Deno’s Wonder Wheel Amusement Park while older kids will enjoy Luna Park.
Note: The mini camps are only at the above locations.
How much: $90 + extended day

Textile Arts Center
Where: 505 Carroll St, 718-369-0222, info@textileartscenter.com
June 8 and 12: Students explore subjects such as weaving, sewing, embroidery, printing, felting, and dyeing. Each day is dedicated to a full project and supplemented with organized play time.
How much: $125/day

Where: 372 Clinton Ave., 610-823-3888, directors@alamander.org
June 8 and 12: Let your little camper take the lead for a day at Alamander. Join Alamander for art, play, and outdoor exploration!
How much: $90 + $20 for extended day

Brooklyn Strategists
Where: 333 Court St., 718-576-3035, info@thebrooklynstrategist.com
June 8, 12, 26 & possibly 27: Mini camps focus on the same play-based curriculum as the summer camps. Kids play while developing important critical thinking skills and improving neurodevelopmental functions.
Note: Half day and full day options
How much: Half day/full day, member/non-member options

Brooklyn Robot Foundry
Where: 586 5th Av and 303 3rd Ave., 347-762-6840
What: Each day is a new and fun project at the Brooklyn Robot Foundry. Do one or do them all!
June 8: Swimmer & lighthouse
June 12: Light Piano & Test of Strength
June 26: Safe & Sink
How much: $120 + $30 material fee
Happy camping!