Zero to 60 from Sheepshead to Nostrand

(Kudos to McDonald’s at Sheepshead Bay Rd & E 15 St, early morning – Photo by Ray Johnson)
Honestly, this is not the first real post of 2009 I had planned — but, it’s the real world and the real news and at least it has a good side. So, first the good side and the zero from the headline.
The NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has published the results of health inspections conducted at two local McDonald’s restaurants.
McDonald’s at 1509 Sheepshead Bay Road got zero violation points. While they were cited for a trans fat violation of “a food containing 0.5 grams or more of artificial trans fat per serving, is being served, stored, distributed, held for service, or used in preparation of a menu item” — this is not something that is points-worthy.
Find out more about the McDonald’s restaurant inspections after the jump.
It’s almost a non-violation, because until (amidst our amazement) Mayor Bloomberg and the Board of Health was able to pass the controversial trans-fat ban here in the food diversity capital of the world, trans fat was a welcome part of our regular diet. But, back to our subject.
It was a bitterly cold morning when I went there three days after the zero violation inspection happened on December 20, 2008. The dining room was crowded with students waiting for the bus and as soon as it arrived, they all cleared out. Seconds later, management sent one of the workers out in the below freezing weather to do clear up the icy sidewalk. The worker seemed glad to brave the cold — or maybe, he was thanking his lucky stars that this Mickey D’s doesn’t have a parking lot.
By the time, I got my breakfast, except for a couple of patrons — one sleeping in a corner booth — I had the place to myself. I thought it was strange how remarkably clean and orderly (except for the patched up broken glass on the front door) this McDonald’s was and snapped a picture.
Now, from zero to sixty.
But, it appears to be a completely different story over by the McDonald’s at 3540 Nostrand Avenue. The location between Avenues V and W racked up a 60 point violation score on December 28, 2008. So, while the restaurant does not have to be shut down, it will have to get rid of any evidence of roaches and mice before the followup inspection.
Let’s hope it doesn’t snow in the next few weeks, so the Nostrand McDonald’s wont have to spend time cleaning the parking lot and can concentrate on the kitchen, instead.