Youthmarket To Pack Up For the Winter

Destiny Martin stands today in the chilly air at a Youthmarket tent situated adjacent to the Kensington branch of the Brooklyn Public Library along Fort Hamilton Parkway. There is a steady flow of Kensingtonians approaching the tented booth to pick out a a wide assortment regionally grown of apples, kale, red onions and the like.

Today, though, will be the last time this small local farmer’s market has its upstate produce out. They’re packing it up for the winter, and will return next July.

Martin said that any produce not sold today will be donated to local cafes, “and a bakery over there,” she said pointing in the direction of Steeplechase. She said that’s been their custom.

A Bronx resident Martin became part of the Youthmarket through an afterschool program. A coordinator for at the booth, confirmed that normally it is staffed by local youths who, at least today, were engaged in a school activity.

The coordinator said that there are 11 youthmarkets in the five boroughs and that their program aims to, “teach them how to run a small business,” among other things.