Your Rap Sheet Could Get You A Job On Television

Source: Craigslist

Normally, people with arrest records have the toughest times getting work, but now women with regrettable pasts living in the area have a chance to become big stars. A Sheepshead Bites reader clued us off to a Craigslist posting calling for women in Brighton Beach, Bay Ridge, Sheepshead Bay and Greenpoint with arrest records to potentially be cast in a new reality series.

The show is called Bad Mama Jammas and they claim to be a show representing a major cable network. Here are the details from the full posting below, minus the email, phone number and other contact information. Remember, it’s Craigslist, so be careful. If you want those details, you can visit the Craigslist page by clicking here.

Are you from Brighton Beach, Bay Ridge, Sheepshead Bay, Green Point or other parts of Brooklyn?
If so we are seeking Women (18 to 34yrs) for a new Realty TV Show!
Have you ever been arrested or spent time in jail or prison?
Is your story compelling and ready to be shared with the world?
MAJOR CABLE NETWORK wants to hear from YOU!
Seeking formerly incarcerated young women with a connection to Brooklyn for casting in a new Reality TV Show.
In search of ladies (18 to 34 yrs) who have faced challenges but now want to pursue their dreams.
You can check out our website at:
Send an e-mail with photos and 5 outrageous Fun Facts about yourself and why you should be considered for this show:
If cast in the show you will be paid compensation.

Thanks to reader Thomas C. for sending us the tip and good luck, I guess, to all those who are dreaming big right now.