Yes I Said Yes I Will Celebrate Bloomsday in Park Slope

June 16th is Saturday, which means it’s time to get Joyce’d: around the world, literati, Eire-philes, Joyce scholars, and Guinness enthusiasts join forces to celebrate Ulysses, generally with some combination of reading and drinking (the ratio varies).

In Park Slope, the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick are hosting their 3rd annual Bloomsday literary pub crawl, which will feature the requisite drinking and reading (judging from the schedule, it seems like they’ll be doing selections, not the whole novel — disappointing for the hardest-core Joycians, a relief to everyone else), plus traditional Irish music and a Leopold Bloom-approved lunch. The New Yorker went a few years ago and had a great time: “a fantastic event that satisfied Joyce aficionados and committed drinkers alike.” For details, email