Xana-Do This Tonight: Roller Disco at the Old Stone House

Piper Theatre’s production of Xanadu, perhaps the most campy disco musical ever to roller skate across Broadway, opens its free summer run at Washington Park on July 5th (through 7/20). But the Olivia Newton-John-style festivities kick off (roll off?) tonight — get ready for the show (and help Piper get ready — it’s a fundraiser) with a community roller disco at the Old Stone House/4th St. cul-de-sac.

From 6 to 9 tonight, dust off your roller skates, dig out your “spangly stuff and white polyester” and come on down to eat, drink, and  “shake your groove thing!” Tickets (buy ’em at the door) are $10 for kids, $15 for teens, and $25 for adults, with all proceeds going toward the production.