1 min read

Would You Support A 20 MPH Speed Limit Over Much Of Our Area?

Would You Support A 20 MPH Speed Limit Over Much Of Our Area?
wnyc 20 mph street map

During a City Council meeting held two weeks ago on the topic of pedestrian safety, DOT Assistant Commissioner Kate Slevin explained to local politicians that while in general changes to speed limits on NYC’s residential streets must be passed at a state level, limits of 15-24 miles per hour can easily be enforced without legislature on blocks within 1/4 mile of a school.

WNYC has since mapped all of the blocks in New York that fall under that category–and as it turns out, 71% of Brooklyn streets and 55% of streets citywide qualify. Our area is really mostly covered, including Coney Island Avenue almost entirely from Avenue H to Beverley Road, Cortelyou from CIA to nearly Flatbush, Church from Flatbush to Stratford, and other problem areas like a long stretch of Dorchester Road.

So, would you support putting a 20 MPH speed limit in effect over a huge portion of the neighborhood, or would it be more trouble than it’s worth?

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Image via WNYC