Woman With Special Needs Goes Missing From Bensonhurst Home [Update: Found]

A Bensonhurst family is frantically searching for their adult sister with special needs who wandered away from their home last month.
Eva Normand, 35, left her family’s Bay Parkway apartment on April 16, at 1am.
When she is not taking medication, Eva may walk without sleeping or eating for several days, her sister told Bensonhurst Bean.
“The longest she’s ever been out is two or three days, and by now she would need to have eaten,” said her sister Edna. “We are very worried. We believe something may have happened to her.”
Eva is describe as white with dark brown hair, 5 feet 7 inches tall, and 240 pounds. She speaks English and Russian and likes to visit beaches and parks.
If you see Eva, please call 911 immediately. Anyone with other information about Eva’s whereabouts is asked to contact Detective Beauvoir at (212) 694-7781, or Edna (646) 549-3758.
Update [3:30pm]: Eva has been found safe at Woodhull Hospital.