With Power Still Out For Many Sheepshead Residents, Councilman Puts Pressure On Con Ed

Councilman Michael Nelson’s office needs your help to get power back to areas still blacked out from Hurricane Sandy.
According to representatives for the councilman, his office is working closely with City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, the Office of Emergency Management and Con Edison to expedite restoration of power to the neighborhood.
But amid the confusion of Hurricane Sandy recovery efforts, identifying priorities remains in the hands of residents.
The councilman’s office is asking that those without power or know of large buildings or blocks without power to email mnelson1@council.nyc.gov, or to call Mary Scarfogliero at (917) 494-6208.
They ask that you include the address of the property without power, and, if you have it, the following information:
- Approximate number of tenants or apartments if a large building or block
- Management company contact information, including name and number, or
- The superintendent’s name and number, or
- If a private property, the name and phone number of the owner.
Residents should also call (800) 75-CONED and file an individual complaint. The office reminds residents not to assume the company knows about it or someone else has lodged a complaint. Areas that receive the most complaints are prioritized by the company.
Additionally, Nelson’s office was flooded during the storm, and so calling his district office or trying to walk in won’t work. Use the contact information about for any requests to his office you may have.