Why Is This Yoga Studio Different From All Other Yoga Studios?

Well, for one thing, MYoga — which says it is opening at 1002 Quentin Road, Suite 3020 — is donation-based. According to MyYoga’s Maksim Khasin, who emailed Sheepshead Bites:
The studio offers a tremendous service to the community by allowing people to enjoy yoga and get a great exercise. Classes are donation-based, so students can choose to donate as much as they can at the conclusion of class. The suggested donation is $10.
MYoga explains on its website that they will never prevent a student from participating in a class if they cannot give $10. Particularly fascinating, while proprietors stress that they offer “students of all levels the opportunity to connect with their body and practice yoga at their own pace,” they also “do not emphasize ‘snobby’ yoga, but rather welcome students of all levels to ease their minds and relax their souls.”
I’ve never heard of “snobby yoga” but I am sure that, should I ever be able to contort my remarkably un-malleable body into a pretzel again in this lifetime, I do not wish for it to be under the duress of a “snobby yoga” instructor.
Go check out MYoga — donation-based, and non-snobby. A perfectly winning combination.