Who’s Stealing From Tracey Hohman’s Garden?

Tracey Hohman is a local green thumb. Recently, part of her own garden was stolen. She wrote in to tell us about it:
For the past two weeks someone has been stopping by to trim my kale. I think they must be eating it. Now it is sad and skinny and very Dr. Seuss. Beware of the kale thief!
The picture above shows the plant after the theft. “Whoever took it was very careful not to kill it so it will grow back (which is considerate),” wrote Tracey. “Maybe they were just really hungry or taking urban foraging to another level.”
The pictures below show us what the plants looked like before the theft.

Tracey says she is both annoyed and amused. Yeah, that about sums up our reaction as well to this strange kale caper.
Has anyone else experience any garden thefts lately?