Where to Halloween

In light of the cancellation of this year’s 7th Avenue Halloween parade, how are Park Slopers to celebrate this pagan holiday?

In case you have a child who is not afraid of going to the doctor, the Flatbush pediatric practice Sensory Street Pediatric Occupational Therapy (across from the Barclay’s Center) was to have a haunted house at their office on Flatbush and 5th Avenue on Halloween from 4-8pm. $5 for kids ages 2-5, and $8 for kids ages 6-8. No word if the event is still happening – no one is answering the phones at SSPOT. Too bad – we’re guessing it would be a little less scary than a haunted house at a dentist’s office.

Still on: The Painted Pot’s Halloween celebration. It’s a pottery party going on until 6pm. The $6 studio fee is waived for those wearing costumes. For more info, call 718-POTTERY(768-8379).

Nearby, BAM is hosting BAMboo from 2-5pm. Entertainment, candy giveaways, arts and crafts. At BAM’s Peter Jay Sharp building, 30 Lafayette Ave.

And there is always trick-or-treating. Best guess is that grounded Park Slope residents will be out on the stoops early this year. Lucky kids!